For more information, please contact:
Nicole Cook
Engineering Program Manager
c: 916.283.8529
Conceptual Project Engineering
Provide conceptual engineering technical assistance needing support for existing conditions and concerns (e.g., regulatory compliance, etc.). Technical assistance can also be provided to logically consider issues, concerns and goals, and to conduct data gathering and analytical testing in order to evaluate possible technical solutions, review alternatives, and clearly report findings and recommendations. SUSP engineering department can serve as your systems engineer for any needs that arise on a day-to-day basis.
Preliminary Engineering and Design
Provide assistance with procurement of professional services, design schematic and layouts; and early phases of design. Preliminary studies may be performed in this phase, including preliminary sizing and layout of facilities, base mapping, power supply, ROW, easement and permitting assistance, environmental assessments (e.g., CEQA environmental opinions and analysis), surveys, geotechnical studies, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, etc.
Hydrogeological Analysis
Hydrogeological Studies
Hydrogeological study aspects typically include evaluation of regional and local geology and groundwater resources, identification and evaluation of present groundwater resources, including wells and springs, review of previous groundwater studies in the area (if any), performance of a hydrogeological analysis including geologic conditions, rainfall and recharge analysis, water level trends, water balance analysis, evaluation of other groundwater extraction activities in the area and an evaluation of potential safe yield for any new groundwater extraction.
Source Capacity Assessment
A source capacity assessment takes into account the total water supply available from all active sources permitted for use by the water system, including any water rights or other sources which may be active but not currently used to capacity.
Source Water Vulnerability Assessment and Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas
The Source Water Assessment can include both water supply well and spring sources and includes a delineation of the area around the well or the spring through which contaminants might move and reach that drinking water supply. In addition, it includes an inventory of activities that might lead to the release of microbiological or chemical contaminants within the delineated area, a determination of the possible contaminating activities, and a summary of the vulnerability of the source to contamination.
Drought Planning
Drought planning and mitigation consists of an evaluation of the water system’s groundwater supply, including aquifer characteristics, water level trends, water quality trends and influence of surrounding groundwater extraction activities to determine the vulnerability of the water system’s wells and groundwater resources to declining water levels and to recommend capital improvements that would make the system’s supply less subject to these conditions
Energy Efficiency
Perform a system-wide energy audit to inspect and audit water system operating facilities including: Supply Wells; Intake Facilities; Treatment Facilities; Booster Pump Stations; Hydroelectric Generation Facilities; Reservoirs/Storage Tanks; Flow/Pressure Regulating Facilities; Appurtenant Facilities; Wastewater Treatment Facilities. The objective is to identify areas and components that are excessive energy users, evaluate these for energy efficiency improvements, and assist water system in implementing energy efficiency changes in their system.